18 thg 7, 2010
PM Special: Greenway voters spotlight overcrowding
SHANE MCLEOD: And the Government's regional housing proposals echo Ms Gillard's theme of sustainable population growth; a message that appears to be aimed squarely at winning over voters in urban areas who are concerned about immigration and overcrowding.
Voters in electorates like Greenway in western Sydney. The seat's been held by the Liberals since 1984 but since a redistribution it's become marginal Labor territory.
Michael Edwards compiled this report.
(taxi driving quoting price)
MICHAEL EDWARDS: Kamil has been a taxi driver in the Blacktown area since moving from Egypt a decade ago. He's now an Australian citizen and he says his children have opportunities here that are unheard of in Egypt.
Kamil is concerned about the very thing the Prime Minister has hinged the election on; Australia's quality of life.
KAMIL: I'm against increasing population in Australia, either by bringing more migrants, or by encouraging people to get more kids.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: Why are you so worried about a large population?
KAMIL: It causes a lot of problems in everything. We already start to have some problems.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: And Kamil's concerns reflect the views of many people in the electorate of Greenway. Comprising suburbs such as Blacktown, Lalor Park and Seven Hills in Sydney's west and north-west, it's listed by most commentators as a key battleground for the election.
But many of what were its more affluent Liberal-voting areas have been redistributed to neighbouring electorates. It's now considered within Labor's reach. But the Government will have to heed many of the concerns of voters in the area, including poor transport, housing and infrastructure.
VOX POP 1: The houses, rental accommodation is going really up the roof and things like that which really concerns us, especially when you have a young family and especially if you don't have a time or the money or the budget to step into a house.
VOX POP 2: Housing is a big issue. Renting, the shortage; and house prices are out of control. They need to open up a new area where the house prices are affordable, or chase up the banks with the interest rates; they're out of control, people can't afford to go on a day drive anywhere anymore.
VOX POP 3: Yeah cos you're always sitting in traffic, you can't get a seat on the train. I think they should build new suburbs and stuff.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: And also, overcrowding.
VOX POP 4: It's pretty crowded now. In a lot of places traffic's, well parking's getting really really bad, especially in Blacktown.
VOX POP 5: They're just bringing in thousands and thousands of people and it's just ridiculous like traffic congestion and everything it's just getting so much worse.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: Many see asylum seekers as part of the overcrowding problem.
VOX POP 6: I think there's too many coming over. I think they should put a curb on how many comes in.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: And you say the boat people; why is that in particular?
VOX POP 7: Oh they don't seem to be able to process them properly that's all. You know they don't even know where to put them now, it's just too full and everything and it's just not happening is it? There's just not seeing who's genuine and who isn't genuine and who's...they need to be processed. No-one will let us go to their country will they?
MICHAEL EDWARDS: And if Labor is to take Greenway from the Liberals, Julia Gillard's tougher talk on asylum seekers could be helpful.
VOX POP 8: The control of the borders is very important because people come in these boats and we don't understand what is the background of these people and for example, to keep the country safe from terrorists.
VOX POP 9: All the person in the boat people they have no supporting documents.
VOX POP 10: Yeah. Send them back to their country.
VOX POP 11: I'm an immigrant myself, but I'm more skilled than refugees.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: But some in Greenway don't see overcrowding as a problem.
Do you think there's enough people in western Sydney already, or do you think it's okay and you can take some more?
VOX POP 12: More people to party with.
VOX POP 13: Yep.
SHANE MCLEOD: Voters in Blacktown in Sydney today speaking to Michael Edwards.
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